
Construction progress guide: Do’s & Don’ts

For any Construction project manager and site foreman out there, staying on top of each team’s success at any point is a never-ending challenge. Regardless of the scale or scope of the initiative, you must still have a complete picture of what is going on on the ground and be able to communicate sensitive problems quickly and effectively.

Many project teams in the industry communicate using Excel, WhatsApp, Messenger, and email, among other resources. Both of these tools are very user-friendly and can be very helpful in our everyday lives, but they are not designed for construction.

It’s clear how much value you will add to your ventures by focusing all stakeholder contact on a common point of reality. By centralizing all project data in a cloud-based, transparent, shared ecosystem, you can improve transparency, prevent miscommunication, and cut down on administrative overhead. But you don’t have to waste 40% of your time bringing together success analyses that are obsolete the minute they’re released.

How to Enhance Field and Office Connectivity:

The first, and perhaps most important, step in your attempt to see all that is going on on the ground is to bridge the distance between the site and the workplace. You will now be able to avoid time wasting, spot errors early, and execute projects faster if you do so. But, at the end of the day, sticking to your routine would ensure that you stay under the budget.

  1. Begin with a construction-related digital tool:

We cannot emphasize sufficiently the importance of using construction-specific digital solutions. Only then would you be certain that the plan is accurate at all times. Both contact can take place in a centralized data base, enabling you to easily communicate with various project partners, allowing you to make the best choices quicker and confidently prepare the next steps. Furthermore, the effect of all input received from the field is immediately apparent on the various schedules you are working on. As a result, you can keep a constant eye on where you are in the project without ever needing to leave your desk. Around the same time, the workers on the ground will use their mobile devices to easily document progress and request crucial reports.

  1. Consolidate all information into a single point of facts:

There isn’t a single kernel of reality that doesn’t favor a construction-specific instrument. Many project managers advise us that keeping all of their programs up to date takes more than 24 hours per month. So they go back and forth with their site foreman, looking for the most up-to-date information and attempting to decipher what each update could mean for the progress of upcoming tasks. Needless to mention, this is insufficient. If you take this path, you’ll soon find yourself paralyzed by a mountain of unrelated results. Moving all project contact to the cloud will be a game-changer in this regard. Streamlining all teamwork into a single place makes it much easier for all departments to have complete control over their activities and for you to work with large amounts of data more effectively.

  1. Make on-site implementation a top priority.

Digital adoption is the next big bet for getting the site closer to the workplace. If you’ve found the best product for the idea, make sure the field staff are going to use it. You will see that some people on site are hesitant to alter their routine at first. Any project managers are also concerned about whether their on-site staff were tech-savvy enough to go global with their smartphone reports. The truth is that if they can read the news or update their bank account on their phone, they should be able to understand how to use a construction management app as well. It is, however, the duty to teach them the benefits of adopting the modern way of operating. Training is necessary in order to do this. You should organize comprehensive testing and onboarding sessions with your tech vendor, where all team members can have the ability to ask questions and become acquainted with the product.

Everyone should be linked. Improve your management skills!

Having a live, shareable view of your construction site will help you boost collaboration on your project significantly. You connect more as you see more, and as a result, you can boost coordination and prepare ahead more effectively.

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